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10 State University in Indonesia with the Highest Competition in Entry

Published in 7 July 2019 buahpeer.com. If you want to study in Indonesia University, there are 10 State University in Indonesia with the Highest Competition In entry.

For Science Major, there are 10 State University in Indonesia with the Highest Competition In entry:

1. Institut Teknologi Bandung (689,75); 
2. Universitas Indonesia (679,96); 
3. Universitas Gadjah Mada (659,06); 
4. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (653,13); 
5. Universitas Padjadjaran (634,06); 
6. Universitas Diponegoro (633,25); 
7. Universitas Airlangga (632,05) 
8. Institut Pertanian Bogor (627,98); 
9. Universitas Sebelas Maret (626,90) 
10. Universitas Pembangunan Nasionan “Veteran” Jakarta (621,61).

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